Mar 14, 2020

Hi folks:

First of all, I want to say that I am going to miss everyone tomorrow. Church service is the thing I look forward to most in my week, and being without my church family over the next three Sunday's will be a loss for me. Sometimes, however, we need to suffer loss to do what we believe is best, and I am thankful to be a part of a Council that I believe acted to do what is best for the safety of everyone who enters our sanctuary.

I also believe we cannot stop being the Church of Jesus Christ, just because we are not currently worshiping in our church home. I believe we still must be a people who worship, who serves and who care, and I would like to challenge all of us to be followers of Jesus Christ no matter where we are, or are not. 

On the worship front, if you choose to worship in a sanctuary holding services tomorrow, I pray that it will be a blessing for you. Alternatively, if you choose to stay in, I invite you to worship with all in your household, or with just you and your God. To help with this, I have attached a worship bulletin with scripture readings,  prayers, hymns, and the minute for mission. If you don't have a hymn book at home, or don't know the tune, just read the words out loud. You might hear the hymn in a totally new way. 

I have also attached a story based on the John passage, as well as an audio file of the story for those of you able to download it. I have also attached a pastoral prayer. Finally, I attached a poster on some of the electronics we can bring to the church on Saturday April 18th for our Electronic Recycle Fundraiser. It's not the same as being at church, but I hope it does help you to worship your God tomorrow.

For the weeks ahead, I will look at the possibility of finding some way to do a virtual worship service. If anybody can figure out a way to do this, and would be willing to teach me, please let me know. This does not have to be a time when we stop being the church. Perhaps this is a time when God is trying to teach us how to do things differently in a very different world.

I will be in touch often, and I will keep you in my prayers. 

That's it for me folks.

Take care and God Bless.



Dec 2019


Mar 7, 2020