Sept 9, 2022

Hello from the Holy Land.

What a remarkable day we had in God’s country. One of my hopes for this trip was some spiritual renewal for my soul, and today did not disappoint. Our first stop was the place on the Jordan River where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Our group leader is an ordained minister, so he offered to re-affirm our baptism in the waters of the Jordan. Kim and I talked about listening for God’ voice throughout this trip, and being open in our spirits for something new, so we agreed to take the plunge. The history of this place fills one with a profound sense of God’s presence all by itself, but to wade into the Jordan waters waist deep, falling backwards with the minister and his spouse supporting you, fully immersed in the same waters as Jesus and so many other pilgrims who have come before you - it’s breathtaking - it’s intimate - it’s spiritual beyond description. I will be reflecting on this for a while.

Our next stop was Mount Tabor - the scene of the transfiguration of Jesus. As one approaches the mountain from our coach, viewing the very steep incline that Jesus and three of the disciples had to walk up, you wonder how they ever did that on sandals. The last church built on this spot, and there have been a few over the centuries, is a very beautiful catholic cathedral built in 1924, The mural depicting this biblical moment is beautiful, and the chapels = built in honour of the two prophets who appeared alongside Jesus - Moses and Elijah - respectful and peaceful - were nice to behold, but for me, It was the view from Tabor looking down into the valley of Jezreel, that served as my mountain top experience. The valley was the scene of many battles that Israel had with many of its historical enemies. Now it is dotted with farmers fields. It’s a place of growth, a Land that now feeds it people rather than kill them. That’s what I call transfiguration.

Our Final stop was a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee. I learned a little bit about the area from the Faith Formation Session our church did last winter on the The Holy Land, so I asked one of our shipmates if he would be so kind to point out the ancient villages on the shoreline of the sea. The Sea of Galilee is a small fresh water lake, and you can easily see every shoreline from the boat. So he pointed out where Tiberius is, Capernaum, the Mount of the Beatitudes, and a few other biblical villages. You could see the buildings of each village he pointed to. They are all still there. The places where Jesus performed 80 % of his miracles could still be seen from a boat in the middle of the Sea of Galilee. The stories one reads in the gospels come alive in your mind while your in the Holy Land, and it’s not hard to taste and see that history as though it is so real to you now.

It was a very blessed and holy day.

Off to get some sleep for another early morning. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me,

Take care and God bless.



Sept 10, 2022


Sept 8, 2022