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Order Deadline - Popcorn Fundraiser

Hello SGUC,

Your Fundraising Team has some exciting news to share. What's popping you say? It is the first SGUC Popcorn Fundraiser! The popcorn is from Papa Jack, a locally owned company here in Ottawa. This popcorn treat comes at no "butter" time to treat yourself, a loved one or your family for a unique Valentine's Day / Family Day Treat! This fundraiser is available for a short time only - so make sure you get your order in by February 6th at 6pm.

Pick up will be Saturday February 12th from 11-2pm at South Gloucester United Church.

For ordering and all other information of what is available and the prices, please click on the form below.

Thank you,

Fundraising Team

January 30

Hybrid Worship Service

February 6

Hybrid Worship Service